
Imagine you are tasked with conducting a counseling intake interview with a 19 year old college student who is feeling sad, unmotivated, and worried about his grades. It is the student’s first semester at school, and he is finding that he has gone from being an A student in high school to a B- student in college. He has also moved 500 miles away from his hometown to attend school.

This week’s lecture discussed a number of counseling approaches (cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, and behavioral), that can be used to guide and understand an interview.

Which approach would use to guide this intake interview? Explain why you think this approach is a good choice for this particular interview.  Also develop at least 5 questions for your interview and explain how the questions fit with the approach you chose.

You may use any of the approaches discussed in this week’s lecture or you may also use one from:

  McMaster, F., & Resnicow, K. (2012). Motivational Interviewing: moving from why to how with autonomy support. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9(19).

As appropriate, cite the online course, the textbook, and other credible, scholarly sources to substantiate the points you are making. Apply APA standards to for writing and citations to your work.

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