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Read the attachment and answer the questions below in a min of 1050 words. Must be in APA format and pass plagerism checker1. How effective was Doug in defining and framing a vision for Wright-Patt Credit Union? In what ways were his efforts similar to and different from the example of Charles Schwab cited earlier?▪ How did Doug resolve the dilemma of where visions come from? Where did he find his vision? ▪ Review the earlier metaphors of the rubber band, doorman, and jigsaw. Do any of these metaphorsseem especially relevant to Doug?2. Evaluate the content dimensions of Doug’s vision work at Wright-Patt Credit Union. How did he accomplish the processes described below?▪ Making the Case for Change ▪ Identifying an Ideal Goal ▪ Addressing the People dimension3. With respect to Articulating and Communicating the Vision, how effectively did Doug address the three different levels outlined as follows?▪ Strategic—“HEAD” ▪ Tactical—“HANDS” ▪ Personal—“HEART”1. How effective was Doug in defining and framing a vision for Wright-Patt Credit Union? In what ways were his efforts similar to and different from the example of Charles Schwab cited earlier?▪ How did Doug resolve the dilemma of where visions come from? Where did he find his vision? ▪ Review the earlier metaphors of the rubber band, doorman, and jigsaw. Do any of these metaphorsseem especially relevant to Doug?2. Evaluate the content dimensions of Doug’s vision work at Wright-Patt Credit Union. How did he accomplish the processes described below?▪ Making the Case for Change ▪ Identifying an Ideal Goal ▪ Addressing the People dimension3. With respect to Articulating and Communicating the Vision, how effectively did Doug address the three different levels outlined as follows?▪ Strategic—“HEAD”▪ Tactical—“HANDS”▪ Personal—“HEART”(Quinn 181)Quinn, Robert E., David Bright, Sue Faerman, Michael Thompson, Michael McGrath. Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach,  6th Edition. Wiley, 2015-01-05. VitalBook file.

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