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Personality Tests in the Workplace

Personality AssessmentsFrom a screening and assessment perspective in the selection and hiring decision-making process, analysis 16PF and CPI assessments used in industrial organizational psychology and human resources. This analysis must include:a) 1,800 to 2,000 words count; however, the reference page isn’t included in the count,b) APA format. Please do not plagarize my system automatically checks.c) synthesis all articles, please see the attached articles, graduate leveld) provide a clear and comprehensive main thesis,e) provide a structured paper from a theoretical perspective;f) critically evaluate the two personality inventories (California Psychological Inventory (CPI) and Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)).g) title, author and publisher, theoretical foundation of the test;h) provide a thorough and detailed description/development an empirical examination theoretical foundation of each test content, purpose, structure, administration, and scoring guidelines;i) provide a thorough and detailed evaluation/assessment of the reliability and validity of each test;j) provide a thorough and detailed critique of the strengths and weaknesses of using each test in an applied setting;k) provide a thorough and detailed analysis of the multicultural application of each test) and, determine/evaluate the impact personality assessment has for the employee and group to improve organizational performance.** Please let me know if you should have any questions. Thanks**l) and, determine/evaluate the impact personality assessment has for the employee and group to improve organizational performance.P

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