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data reports

First, view the 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report at:https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pdfs/data/statistics/national-diabetes-statistics-report.pdf (Links to an external site.)Second, utilize the report to respond to some of the following prompts below.Step 1:Click on “Reply” below to start a new post for yourself.  You will not be able to see your classmates’ posts until you have posted.  Your original post should include responses toeachof the following prompts:Using the 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report:From the 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report, list the single racial/ethnic group with the highest total prevalence of Diabetes from both Table 1a on page 2 (crudeprevalence) and Appendix Table 1 on page 15 (age-adjustedprevalence).Then, explain in simple terms why the highest total prevalence numbers among the racial/ethnic groups are different between these two tables.  (HINT: There is a helpful explanation on pages 62-63 of the textbook and further detail in the PowerPoint).There are some excellent sources of data available to report up-to-date information on COVID-19 (i.e., incidence, prevalence, mortality rate).  With this in mind, respond to the following prompts:3. Provide thewebsite nameand theURLfor at least 1 reliable online data source for obtaining accurate and trustworthy data on COVID-19 surveillance.4. Identify 1 interesting or surprising statistic/number on COVID-19 from the website you listed and share it with the class.5. Explain what the statistic/number means in plain language (simple, easy-to-understand terms).  For instance, if you find the case fatality rate surprising, share the rate and explain what the statistic/number means in basic terms.

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