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. Using Excel, create a table that will be placed on the company’s Intranet as an employment law reference

Due EST 23:59As the human resources manager, it is your responsibility to keep all human resources employees informed about current employment law. You want to empower employees with resources that they can use independently to research employment law issues and policies. Using Excel, create a table that will be placed on the company’s Intranet as an employment law reference. You and your employees will be able to add to this document, so you will focus on the following 4 areas of employment law to begin:Wages and Hours of WorkSafety and Health StandardsFamily and Medical LeaveWhistleblower ProtectionFor each area of employment law, complete the following:List the federal agency (or agencies) that regulates this area.Describe how the agency implements the relevant law and policy.Provide a link to the agency’s Web site.You should organize the information within your table so that it is logical and able to be edited in the future.

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