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60 pages Literature review on Examine the Effects of Big Data on Cyber Security Vulnerabilities in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Need help in writing a literature review for below table of contents in APA 7 without any plagiarism. 70 pages with 75 references for Research Topic: Examine the Effects of Big Data on Cyber Security Vulnerabilities in Intelligent Transportation Systems. I have also attached how I started and need help with the attached table of contents.The theoretical framework used is a Grounded theory which I have added below.This dissertation investigates the problem “Big Data increases cyber security vulnerabilities in Intelligent Transportation systems due to cyber-attacks” (Aldhaheri, et al., 2020; Bubenikova, et al.,2014; Coppola and Silvestri, 2019; Cui, et al., 2018; Harvey and Kumar, 2020; Liang, et al., 2019; Mahmood, et al., 2018; Petit, 2015; Qureshi and Abdullah, 2013).Many Researchers utilize theoretical frameworks to illustrate the research problem and provide a practical approach for the study. Huang, S. E. used Empirical Study to investigate cyber security concerns in connected vehicles – Traffic control systems (CV-TCS) and built a cyber security framework for CV-TCS systems (Huang, S. E. 2020). And Thompson, E. E. utilized a qualitative research method using Grounded Theory to understand the end-users of enterprise information technology systems and their practices to maintain health world facts and analyses data with no predetermined ideas or hypotheses (Glaser & Strauss, 1967).American sociologists Glaser and Strauss developed the grounded theory methodology in 1967 to describe a new qualitative research method. This study adopted an investigative research method with no preconceived hypothesis and used a continuous relative data analysis. Glaser and Strauss believe that the Theory obtained by this method is genuinely grounded in the data. Hence the reason for calling this methodology “grounded theory” (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). This study will begin with the general concept of how recent advancements in big data technologies could address major cyber threats to Intelligent Transportation Systems. Interview transcripts from participants will be collected and analyzed to extract common themes. (Moustafa et al., 2018). Using Grounded Theory, we can determine whether cyber security concerns are present in Intelligent transportation systems and help research the vulnerability of ITS due to cyberattacks.

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