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IFSM 300 Information Systems in Organizations Stage 4 assignment

Stage 4 AssignmentThis assignment is built on the previous 3 assignments and I have attached all information required to complete this assignment. I have attached the “Stage 3 Assignment”, YOU WILL BE ADDING TO THIS DOCUMENT not creating a new one.   Assignment instructions are attached in the “Stage 4 Business Analysis and Systems Recommendations” attachment. The areas highlighted in RED have been completed. The areas in highlighted in yellow is what needs to be completed. Also attached in the “EZ-ATS Brochure” that is part of the assignment. I have attached the “Maryland Technology Consultants Case Study” that is also need for the assignment. Finally, I have attached the “week 7 reading, implementing a SaaS Solution”.RequirementsAssignment needs to be completed by Saturday March 9 at 1600 EST.Assignment needs to be written to fulfill the grading rubric included in the assignment attachment.The assignment must be plagiarism fee, it will be run through software for detection.You must be will to make any corrections within 4 hours of me bringing it to the writers attention.The assignment must follow the format layout in the attached assignment instructions.

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