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Data Analytics Projects – Tableau

Learn the following topics available at Tableau eLearning ( https://elearning.tableau.com/) → Author → Tableau Fundamentals. (I will give you my tableau log in)-Filtering Your Data (Tableau eLearning → Author → Tableau Fundamentals  → Organize Data and Create Filters  → Filtering Your Data)-Sorting Your Data (Tableau eLearning → Author → Tableau Fundamentals  → Organize Data and Create Filters  → Sorting Your Data)-Working with Dates to Visualize Time-Based Data (Tableau eLearning → Author → Tableau Fundamentals  → Build Common Views  → Working with Dates to Visualize Time-Based Data)-Using Scatter Plots to Show Relationships Between Measures (Tableau eLearning → Author → Tableau Fundamentals  → Build Common Views  → Using Scatter Plots To Show Relationships Between Measures)-Showing Breakdowns of the Whole Using Pie Charts (Tableau eLearning → Author → Tableau Fundamentals  → Build Common Views  → Showing Breakdowns of the Whole Using Pie Charts)-Creating Spreadsheet-like Views Using Text Tables (cross-tabs) (Tableau eLearning → Author → Tableau Fundamentals  → Build Common Views  → Creating Spreadsheet-like Views Using Text Tables)-Using a Highlight Table to Show Specific Values (Tableau eLearning → Author → Tableau Fundamentals  → Build Common Views  → Using a Highlight Table to Show Specific Values)-Creating Symbol Maps (Tableau eLearning → Author → Tableau Fundamentals  → Map Geographic Data  → Creating Symbol and Filled Maps)After that, use Airbnb data for any city at http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data.html for creating visualizations in Tableau.-To extract the detailed data on a Windows-based computer, you may need to download and install a free software 7-zip (available at https://www.7-zip.org/download.html). After you download the detailed data (.csv.gz file), right click on the downloaded .csv.gz file, go to 7-zip, then “Open Archive” to extract .csv file.-Study the data by checking the “Data Dictionary” link at the top of the Airbnb data website.Connect your Airbnb data to Tableau Desktop and create visualizations by using 4 different chart types along with appropriate filtering and sorting in Tableau. In a Word document, for each visualization, explain 1) what is the purpose of using the chart type as well as filtering/sorting, and 2) what are the key findings from each visualization. Submit your Tableau workbook (.tbwx) and your Word document (.docx) in a .zip file.

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