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discuss the relationship between the Case Management concept and the cultural group.

Your paper will discuss the relationship between the Case Management concept and the cultural group. **1. Quality Review and Risk Management in NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE **2. Discuss the role of case managers working in project teams with NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE. **3. Describe the process and outcomes of quality reviews in NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE **4. Discuss the cost of poor quality care in NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE **5. Describe the role of the nurse case manager and clinical nurse in maintaining quality in NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE. **6. Review quality indicators as applied to case management in NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE . Your literature search will be in two parts a) journal articles about the concept; b) journal articles about the cultural group. Peer reviewed journals in nursing, sociology, case management, medicine or any other professional discipline can be used. You must cite three to five references from peer reviewed journals within the past 5 years to explain the issue and support your position of the relationship to the cultural group. Textbook and Internet sources may be used in addition to journal references. ****Student clearly incorporates identification and definition ****Student discusses the relationship between the CM concept and cultural competence using real or simulated examples ****Student discusses how the culturally competent CM concept can improve CM practice using real or simulated examples

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