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Security Project GRC, Management, and Planning

The goal of project management is to ensure that every project achieves the desired outcome on time and within budget. Project management includes identifying and controlling resources, measuring progress, and adjusting the plan as needed as progress is made. The CISO may serve as the project manager for some or all security projects, or the CISO may delegate others to serves as project managers.Whether executed by the CISO or another project management professional the project must be managed and controlled through multiple phases implemented sequentially, iteratively, or concurrently. Provide a 4-5-page MS Word document identifying the purpose of each of the 5 project management phases (Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring/Controlling, Closing) using the following format:Title Page (does not count towards the page length requirement)Main Body (5 phases)ConclusionAPA Reference Page does not count towards the page length requirement)

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